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Sizing Calculator

Fill in your application data

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Value Units OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6
Massflow cold [kg/s]
Cold inlet temperature [degC]
Massflow hot [kg/s]
Hot inlet temperature [degC]
Cp cold [J/kg/K]
Lambda cold [W/m/K]
Cp hot [J/kg/K]
Lambda hot [W/m/K]
Rho cold [kg/m^3]
Mu cold [Pa.s]
Rho hot [kg/m^3]
Mu hot [Pa.s]
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The sizing calculator makes you able to predict the performance of the predefined heat exchangers based on your data input according the table below. The table consist out of 6 columns. Each column represents an operating point (OP). All values in the table are independent input values and can be changed as you wish.

The result of the prediction is the effectiveness based on the temperature level of the given inlet flows and the predicted outlet flows (Cold outlet temperature), (Hot outlet temperature) and the predicted pressure drops. These values of the 6 operating points will be plot in a pdf-file as a function of the tabled Massflow cold.

Effectiveness=(Cold outlet temp-Cold inlet temp)/(Hot inlet temp-Cold inlet temp)

Because the input data and output data are provided in csv-files, any other type of graph can be generated in Excel.

Application field and input data

There are two separated flow paths. The hot flow (Massflow hot) delivers the heat and enters with the highest temperature (Hot inlet temperature) in the process. All the heat delivered by the hot flow appears in the cold flow. There is no heat loss considered towards the environment (adiabatic heat exchanger). The cold flow (Massflow cold) enters the system with the lowest temperature (Cold inlet temperature) in the process. Massflow hot and Massflow cold are positive values but can differ.

The prediction assumes a counterflow configuration.

No phase change is considered. Prandtl number is considered as constant.

For each flow, the physical properties at the average temperature between the inlet and the outlet must be given.

·        Cp represents the average specific heat in the expected temperature range.

·        Lambda represents the average thermal conductivity of the gas in the expected temperature range.

·        Rho represents the average density in the expected temperature range.

·        Mu represents the average dynamic viscosity of the gas in the expected temperature range.

The use of the “Fill in your application data”-table and csv-buttons
The table consists out of 6 operating points OP1..OP6.
One can easily select one column to be copied by clicking the radio button. Once one column is selected it appears green, all the others appear with a paste button in the header. When clicking on the paste button of a column, the green column will be copied into it.
Each individual numerical value in a cell can be changed easily by entering a value or copy-paste (Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V). This can be browser-dependent.
Once the table is completed, the table content can be downloaded by pressing the red button “Export CSV”. It appears in your Download-directory. By repeating this step, new csv-files will be downloaded. They do not overwrite during downloading. The file name on your hard disc can easily be changed in your explorer. In this way, a library of operating conditions can be generated on your own hard disc. These files can easily be uploaded again to repeat sizing calculations with the same input conditions by using the red button “Import CSV”. Once “Import CSV” is pressed and the file is selected in your directories, a button “v process” appears when the format is correct. If not a failure message appears. Please check the format of the file. By activating the “v process” button, the content of the file appears in the data table by renewing the page.    
If you wish, you can even change the data in the csv-file by means of Notepad for instance, and upload it again into the Sizing calculator, as long as the format of the file content is not changed.
Next step is selecting one or more products for the prediction. Press the button “Select products” by scrolling up.